Wednesday 13 May 2009

tokyo tower trip part 2

once again, i apologize for my poor alignments. :P

went to the trick art gallery in tokyo tower. 東京タワー トリックアートギャラリー
detect the errors

dun eat me... why am i still laughing while the leopard tries to eat me?

my korean housemate got her head chopped off, omg

dun eat me, i knoe i've been a real bad girl, but dun!!!!!! no!!!!!!!!!! i'm not delicious, 不味い

erm... sound wierd...

erm... erm... some animals are hiding somewhere in the picture?

at the same height?

what do you mean??? confused.

wow i must be damn famous

what!!!! her reflection is me??? my classmate + dormitory mate,

freaky!!!1 where is my reflection??? argh!!!!! horror movie scene, what's wrong?

nothing much. a cat. is for sir shahriman

amy the angle??? must be a fallen 1, the wings should be black anyway. haaha

haha, part 3 soon. very soon

1 comment:

SMS said...

Umm, you should have one wing only, and your hair should be white.